Optimize your warehousing workflows
Picking and Putaway
Harmonize horizontal transport
Automate pick, putaway, or both. Vecna interleaves to and from dock movements to maximize your efficiency – clearing and filling staging lines up to 10 pallets deep and reducing labor by up to 33%.
- Vecna’s system is given a pickup mission to clear pallets from the receiving dock and dispatches an AMR.
- The AMR autonomously picks the first pallet and plots the most efficient route to it’s P&D location.
- The AMR drops the pallet at end-of-aisle staging and a manual operator completes final putaway into the rack location.
- A manual operator picks an outbound pallet and drops at endcap staging for Vecna.
- The system dispatches an AMR to transport the outbound pallet from end-of-aisle staging to the shipping dock.
Packaging and replenishment
Run your “last mile” in record time
Fully automate the last steps of your operation. Vecna’s intelligent automation and integrations make managing and packaging mixed-case pallets a snap.
- Operators finish building a mixed-case pallet and request a pickup from a designated staging area.
- Vecna’s system dispatches an AMR to pick the rainbow pallet and deliver to an available stretch wrapper.
- Once wrapping is complete, an ARM will pick the pallet from the wrapper and deliver to outbound staging for shipping.
Robots used in workflow
Vecna AFLCross docking and sortation
Flow freely
Tap into the power of route-free navigation and keep your dock-to-dock transportation running like clockwork. Vecna’s flexible navigation allows many robots to move many goods, to many locations safely and quickly.
- Vecna’s system is given a pickup mission to clear pallets from the receiving doc and dispatches an AMR.
- The AMR autonomously picks the first pallet and plots the most efficient route to its P&D location, avoiding obstacles along the way.
- The AMR drops the pallet to the appropriate outbound staging lane for final shipping.
Automate in-between workflows and boost productivity by 40%
Free your workers from boring, laborious, but essential tasks. While other solutions ignore these low-volume jobs, Vecna’s automation drastically reduces the drain these non-value-add moves place on your resources.
- An operator calls for a robot to be sent to their location for a pickup.
- Vecna’s system dispatches a CPJ AMR to the pickup location.
- The operator manually spears the payload and programs the CPJ with its drop-off destination.
- The CPJ navigates to the programmed destination and autonomously drops off the pallet.